Thursday, January 19, 2012

Back Stiching

I came across the term back stitching while attempting to figure out where the hell I went wrong on a few sewing disasters. Not wishing to be laughed at further (as you can guess this is a frequent event) I hit my favorite Google search bar. Okay fine, let's be honest I used swag bar to search for Google. I have a secondary hobby as a cheap skate but that has little to do with my sewing. I kept coming up with cross stitch terms. I know I can't sew my way out of a pillow but I am positive that I have not been trying to cross stitch this all this time. I caved and asked the heifers. (Insert their laughter) I will pay them back some day, maybe with some ex lax cookies. 

Back stitching: reinforcing your seams at the start and end of your seam. Yay!!!! I now had a definition. Can you guess my next question? What the hell does that have to do with me and my current disaster? (Some more giggles, ex lax may be to good for them) and I was pointed towards YouTube. Thankfully a couple of them also own the same machine as myself and were able to walk me through this learning endeavor. Seamy (for the new readers, Seamy is my seam ripper) and I have been getting along famously but neither of us felt up to the task of once again undoing all the seams. The fabric has to have a fall apart limit somewhere right? So we have moved on to our next Disaster. January is dedicated to (drum roll) Pillows!!!!!!!!!!!! Tomorrow I'll be updating with my brilliant discovery of Sewing for Dummies and Sewing for Dummies Patterns.